- The journal is strictly against any kind of plagiarism. We expect from our authors that they should doubly check for any kind of plagiarism or duplicity in the text, figures or illustration. Wherever required, the authors should duly acknowledge the original sources or add the content in the “inverted commas” with due acknowledgement to the source. However, being a science journal, we even discourage the over-usage of “inverted commas” and adding such text despite being acknowledged. Thus, authors should check their manuscripts perfectly and make the manuscripts free from any kind of plagiarism.
- We expect that every author mentioned in the list of authors for a particular manuscript has made some contribution in it (such as, conception of the idea, planning and methodology, performing experiments and collection of data, data presentation and statistical analyses with interpretation, supervision of experiments, manuscript writing and revising). We are highly against any kind of gift authorship.
- No conflict of interest should occur within and between the authors and reviewers.
- The authors should have the data and they should keep it with them. It is optional to upload or add the raw data in the manuscript.
- If any secondary data has been used, it must be acknowledged.
- The authors should not add any published material, photographs, tables, figures or illustration without taking due permission from the original source (author(s) or publisher).